May 1st, 2018 PTA General Meeting Minutes

Jackson Middle School PTA

General Meeting

May 1, 2018


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 6:35pm on Tuesday, May 1st, 2018, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.   Kathy Jennings moved to approve the April 3, 2018 minutes and Marci Forbes second the motion.


Treasurer Kathy Jennings indicated that there was not a lot of financial activity in the past month, but we did get some matching gifts, which closed in on $2,000.

  • Checking: $37,027.40
  • Savings: $44,742.85


President Jessica Christiansen discussed the budget.  It is estimated that our expenses will total $2,600 between now and the end of the year.  Our income will be $6000 higher than this time last year, even if we do not make anything on the RAT race.  President Jessica suggested that if the RAT Race nets $5,000 (although the goal is $10,000) that we approve a Chrome cart before the end of the year to facilitate purchasing.  We made more money on cookie dough sales than anticipated and the  Bernstein Bash fulfilled its goal.  We have also underspent in a variety of places to make the extra $6,000.  Volunteer Coordinate Marci Forbes proposed that we fund a Chromebook cart.  Vice President Michelle Marsden second the motion.  All were in favor.  (Recap:  Not including this approved purchase, one Chrome cart was purchased this year with PTA funds and two were purchased with the AVID grant.)


Principal Kevin Crotchett indicated that we will need four more carts next year because of increased student body numbers (we are adding the equivalent of two Language Arts classes) and because there will be some additional loss, due to obsolescence of the first round of purchased Chromebooks.  Next year, the revised technology goal is two carts plus the number what is needed for repair or replacement.


Parent Joelle Alexander reiterated that Drama is launching a drive to replace the traveler curtain, which is estimated to cost $2,000.  Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes motioned to spend up to $1,500 to top off the $500 that Joelle Alexander has already directly raised and so the curtain can be purchased after June 1st, 2018 and installed over the summer.  Secretary Kara Murray second the motion.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that the Board will prepare a letter regarding funding obligations as of July 1, 2018, so that the 2018-19 budget will be ready for approval at the fall general membership meeting.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that counting procedures will streamline at the RAT Race to reduce number of volunteers needed.  President Jessica Christiansen will count funds at school and Treasurer Kathy Jennings will re-count at home.  Treasurer Kathy Jennings will input all data into a spreadsheet.  Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes will ask a volunteer to pick up popsicles for the RAT race.


President Jessica Christiansen recommended that there be no June PTA meeting.  All in agreement.  Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes will host the wine and chocolate event on June 9th.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that we need to schedule summer board meeting once we have a board.


President Jessica Christiansen has already begun Bernstein Bash planning.  Suggested dates were Nov 30 or Nov 2nd  depending on facility availability.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that cookie dough sales will occur September 7-21, 2018.  Delivery will be Friday after the 21st.  Parent Julie Loveless will be at the school lead the receipt of orders and distribution of product.  Treasurer Kathy Jennings will manage the spreadsheet and order the product.


President Jessica Christiansen is preparing Thank You cards for kids that roll the lockers forward and is purchasing Scrip through Markham’s PTA.


Vice President Michelle Marsden indicated that there was a flurry of last minute people who want to join the board.  Treasurer Kathy Jennings, Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes (roll likely to change for next year) and Vice President Michelle Marsden will be the authorized signers at Key Bank.


Membership Volunteer Deb Cox said that Dough for Dollar raised $676.89.  President Jessica Christiansen wants someone dedicated to coordinate restaurant fundraisers next year.  This would involve checking the schedule to make sure that it doesn’t conflict with another school event (ensemble or choir, etc).


A showing of Screenager will occur on May 24th.  Vice President Michelle Marsden will coordinate.  Coffee, Cookies, water will be offered.


Learnstein presentation will incorporated to the 6th grade ice cream social on May 31, which includes current 5th graders.


Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes let us know that we still need volunteers for the May staff appreciation on May 10th.  Volunteers also needed for:

  • 5/11 RAT race.
  • 5/11 Awesome Fun Night
  • 5/31 Ice cream social.
  • 6/9 Oaks Park chaperones for 8th grader promotion



Principal Kevin Crotchett indicated that students are half way through SBAC testing.  We dipped below state standards for participation last year.  We had 94.2% participation and we need 95% participation.    Coffee Chat is cancelled because Kevin will be at an Educators Conference all day Thurs/Fri.  They have hired Kirsten Parrott, a new 7th grade LA/SS teacher.  1.5 positions in Learning Center and ISC (Intensive Skills Center) still needs to be hired.  Bethany Nelson was hired as a Climate Specialist to work on school behavior.  720 students are projected for next year. Currently we are at 656.


Adjournment was announced at 7:46 pm


Present were:

President Jessica Christiansen

Vice President Michelle Marsden

Treasurer Kathy Jennings

Secretary Kara Murray

Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes

Membership Coordinator Deb Cox



Date Presented:____________________


Approved as Written (or Amended)


