April 3rd, 2018 PTA General Meeting Minutes

Jackson Middle School PTA

General Meeting

April 3, 2018


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 7pm, Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.   Joelle Alexander moved to approve the March 6th, 2018 minutes and Marci Forbes 2nd the motion.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that we need more people to donate fruit for the staff meeting on April 11th.   Specifically pears, grapefruit, mango, plums are needed.


President Jessica Christiansen recapped Learnstein, which was under attended.  It was discussed whether we should we move the event back to the fall and possibly Back to School Night.  However, ensemble handles dinner for back to school night and there is a full agenda, which makes this difficult.   Jessica Christiansen suggested forgoing the dinner and having a Learnstein overview at the first PTA meeting.  Principal Kevin Crotchett suggested keeping it in the spring, but having no dinner and replacing it with an ice cream bar so that grandparents can be invited.  Jessica Christiansen was concerned that late April will conflict with RAT race.  It was suggested that the presentation could be given at the 6th grade scavenger hunt/ice cream social.  Kevin Crotchett will ask Bethany Nelson if she will do the presentation again this year.  Kevin Crotchett suggested having 5 teachers man stations that students and parents would stop by and receive information about Learnstein.  Once they answered a question or found a piece of art, they would receive a token. Each token would get them a topping on their ice cream.  It was decided to implement this at the Family Social on May 31st and advertise it for 5th grade to 8th grade students.  All present agreed.


Vice President Michelle Marsden discussed that we need nominations for board positions for next year.  No nominations at this time.  Michelle will push on social media and email now that Spring Break is over.


Treasurer Kathy Jennings reviewed accounts:


  • Savings $44,741.01
  • Checking $35,156.90
  • Earnings from board parties will offset losses of food cost from Learnstein. Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbers indicated that the leftover food went to a homeless shelter and that the shelter was adamant that it would be fully used.


Cultural Day is rescheduled for late opening day on 4/18/18.


RAT (Race for Arts and Technology) Race is coming up on 5/11/18.  Volunteers are needed.  President Jessica Christiansen addressed the need to push full Chrome.  If we can raise $10,000 we can purchase one more Chromebook cart before year end.  Discussion was had about how to motivate the students to run more laps via class prizes.


Membership Coordinator Deb Cox will lead May staff appreciation event.  It will be a Taco bar on May 10th during lunch.  Jessica Christiansen suggested scrapping Restaurant fundraiser in May due to list of events in May.


Principal Kevin Crotchett indicated that SBAC testing starts Monday.  A letter will be going out on Friday with 5 tips to help students with standardized testing.


Kevin Crotchett has created an archive of all the JMS Artful Learning work over the past 20 years on the Jackson website under the Artful Learning Tab.  If you hover over the picture it will tell you title, date and teacher and/or student.


Adjournment was announced at 8:10 pm


Present were:

President Jessica Christiansen

Vice President Michelle Marsden

Treasurer Kathy Jennings

Secretary Kara Murray

Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes

Membership Coordinator Deb Cox



Date Presented:____________________


Approved as Written (or Amended)


