March 6th, 2018 PTA General Meeting Minutes


Jackson Middle School PTA   

General Meeting   

March 6th, 2018   


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 6:36pm, Tuesday, March 6th, 2018, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.   


Treasurer Kathy Jennings motioned to approve Feb 6th 2018 minutes.  Vice President Michelle Marsden 2nd the motion.  All approved. 


President Jessica Christiansen discussed the upcoming Learnstein event and indicated that she dropped a flyer off at school today to be disseminated. Food for the evening is confirmed.  JMS will send out two emails before the event to advertise it.  The PTA will send out one email advertising Learnstein.  Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes is working on four sign up parties that will be available at Learnstein.   


Marci Forbes is also hosting a wine event on June 9th at 5pm to collect wine for the Bernie Bash in the fall.  It was considered as to whether there should there be a nominal sign up fee so that Marci can determine how many people will attend. $5 donation to JMS was agreed upon.  The event will be open to feeder schools as well.    


Vice President Michelle Marsden talked to Peer Helpers last week in an effort to recruit 8th grade student helpers for Learnstein.  Michelle left the sign up sheets with Miss Kate. 


Vice President Michelle Marsden will post 2018-2019 Board nominations to the Facebook page and will send via email as well. 


Vice President Michelle Marsden has taken on the March 20th staff appreciation event, which will offer Girl Scout cookies, fruit and veggies, along with St. Patrick’s decorations.   


Treasurer Kathy Jennings reviewed the accounts as of 2/28/18: 

  • Savings  $44,739.11  
  • Checking $31,753.89.   

No need to move money back to savings to earn interest, due to low interest environment.  Learnstein and Rat Race funds are still expected to come in and the large expenditures are already accounted for.  


Principals Report: 


Principal Kevin Crotchett discussed staffing numbers for 2018-2019 that were released last Thursday.  The biggest changes for middle schools will be to observe the ¼ of health requirement.  All middle schools will go to a ¼ health-¼ PE semester.  This will cause some scheduling issues because grades can’t be blended for health.  There will be a partial new hire for health.   


Students will no longer be able to take 2 full year electives (Spanish, band, ensemble).  They will be limited to 1 full year elective and it has been determined that this would have impacted 23 students, had this been implemented this year.    


JMS is in growth mode, which limits some of the cuts.  JMS has lost 1.1 FTE for next year because we are no longer considered to have a significant under represented population, which is less than 15% of our population.  This will translate to bigger class sizes.  In addition there is a new funding formula.  (Ex: 100 6th grader, 21-34 kids range= 4 sections).  This helps incoming 6th graders but will hurt next year’s 8th grade.   


School support:  Office staff won’t change but will add .5 counselor (currently staffed at 1.5+.5 =2 for next year).  Assistant Principal Greg Crabtree and Principal Kevin Crotchett have decided to use discretionary FTE to fund a School Climate Specialist (works strictly with behavior to focus on conflict resolution for students).  This Climate Specialist will have a student case load and will also govern and spear head the climate action plan.  Mr. Crotchett has been performing this function, and he will still have an active role along with Assistant Principal Greg Crabtree in assisting the Climate Specialist.  This year, the larger student body has compounded behavioral issues, which has impacted Principal Kevin Crotchett’s ability to manage his other roles, such as teacher coaching.  Next year the student body is expected to be 730.   


Jump Start Day: No formal date has been set yet, but there is no reason for it not to happen.   


March 14th Walk Out Day.  Principal Kevin Crotchett has been working with staff to develop a program to address the day.  The students won’t be allowed to leave campus, but administration recognize the students have a voice.  Two activities have been planned: 

  • Activity 1:   “We as students will have the right for safe schools”-announcement to be made. 
  • Activity 2:  “Walk Out” to the track to recognize 17 students who died in Florida.  Staff will not engage in gun ownership and legislation discussions on this date.  At 9:50pm Principal Kevin Crotchett will make an announcement to honor students and at 10am will encourage students to walk from classrooms to the track in utter silence.  The walk to the track will take about 10 minutes and then students will return to class for a debrief.  All classes will participate. 


There is currently no information on rescheduling Cultural Day, which was cancelled due to snow. 


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that there will be a cash jar at Learnstein as well as credit card reader for dinner and donations.  No admission will be charged on supplemental presentations (ie:  BeSmart and FBI).   


Jessica, needs board nominations for Secretary and Board Nominations.   


Adjournment was announced at 7:19pm 


Present were:   

President Jessica Christiansen   

Vice President Michelle Marsden   

Treasurer Kathy Jennings   

Secretary Kara Murray    


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