February 6th, 2018 PTA General Meeting Minutes


Jackson Middle School PTA  

General Meeting  

February 6, 2018  


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 6:30pm, Tuesday, February 6th, 2017, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.  


Volunteer Lead Marci Forbes motion to approve the 12/5/17 minutes.  All approved.  Elley Cannon was moved off the agenda as guest speaker and presented prior to the meeting about the Ivy Pull at Jackson scheduled for Saturday, February 10th. 


President Jessica Christiansen reviewed the purpose of the two programs supporting the Artful Learning Program.  Bernstein was moved to the fall to avoid conflicting with feeder school auction in the spring, which proved to be financially successful.  Learnstein was moved to the Spring to tie it to Special Friends/Grandparents Day.  The added benefit of this was that many projects will be completed to display to family members.  There is a small fundraising element to Learnstein, which includes dinner for purchase and Teacher Board parties.  Teacher Bethany Nelson will give a presentation and the main focus will remain educational. 


Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes has Learnstein food confirmed through last year’s caterer (Chef du Jour).  There will be spaghetti and gluten free options.  The PTA will procure rolls and salad to be served with the spaghetti dinner.  There will be 5 more Teacher Board parties to sell at the event.   Dinner at 5:30pm-7pm.  Tours will happen during this time and will be followed by a music program at 7:15pm. 


Vice President Michelle Marsden indicated that there are many volunteer opportunities still available.  The volunteer link is the Jackson Middle School Facebook page.  Principal Kevin Crotchett is in charge of securing the music program for the night. 


President Jessica Christiansen reviewed the topic for the April 3rd PTA meeting.  It will be a non-political gun safety presentation titled BeSmart, offered by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. The PTA meeting will be from 6:30pm to 7:00pm, with the presentation to follow.   


Additionally, President Jessica Christiansen indicated on April 11th, 7pm-8:30pm, the organization Circle of Strength is sponsoring a presentation by FBI Special Agent Flint on how to survive an active shooter scenario.  The program is directed at adults and attendees should be at least in the 8th grade or older.  We will invite feeder schools.   

President Jessica Christiansen indicated that on May 24th 6:30pm-7:30pm JMS will be offering the 50 minute long movie Screenagers.  There will be breakout sessions following the movie.  We will invite feeder schools.  JMS students will watch the movie during the day, along with breakout sessions.  PTA will host snacks.   


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that we still need someone to lead the restaurant fundraiser for February and May.  Pizzicato is scheduled for April 24th. 


Membership Coordinator Debora Cox let the PTA know that the directory is complete and has been sent out.  Less than 10 people have called the office for a copy. 


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that the Annual Appeal did not meet its goal.  The PTA is looking for smaller events to fill the technology pot.  Learnstein is the next event and the PTA will put out JMS swag to sell.  Additional swag will need to be ordered.   


Treasurer Kathy Jennings indicated that the 2nd Artful Learning payment, as well as Culture Day, have been paid.  All our major expenses are met for the year.  We need to make back the technology funds that were used towards the Chrome cart at the beginning of the year and would like to purchase one more Chrome Cart.  Rat Race is still to come.  Chromebook carts-The Full Chrome Jackson appeal has generated $1,675 so far.  The discussion was had as to whether a fundraising jar should be at all PTA events, even non-fundraising events.  It was agreed that a donation jar should be discretely present. 


Statement balances: 

  • Savings on 2/1/18 $46,069.15 
  • Checking on 2/1/18 $44,683.59 


Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes indicated that there is no lead for the February staff appreciate day, so Marci will buy “Kind” bars to give to staff.  We currently need more Learnstein volunteers and a March hospitality lead.  President Jessica suggested getting the 8th grade parents to do Cinco de Mayo. 


Principal Kevin Crotchett mentioned that the morning routine has changed and this has created some chaos.  Up to 100 kids were arriving early to school.  These early arrivers have been moved to another hallway, so that staff and parents can access the office.  China students have arrived and will be at school on 2/7/18.  Culture Day is on February 21st.  The students get to vote on which classes they would like to participate in.  They will get 1 of their top 3 choices and they rate them 1-10. 


Principal Kevin Crotchett indicated that the school year will likely not be extended, unless there is a weather event.  The district did not want to release the dates until the labor contract had been agreed to.  There will be four teacher planning days next year.  The 2018-2019 school calendar should be coming out soon.  Jump Start for 6th graders will happen if approved by superintendent.  It is not yet determined if Late Starts will be canceled.  Testing starts after Spring Break.  The school will try to tighten up communication around the testing schedule.   


Principal Kevin Crotchett asked to be reimbursed for $179 for a Near Pod subscription, which is a screen sharing software program and Lumineer, a digital photography app to manage digital monitors.  Jessica Christiansen motioned to approve.  Debora Cox 2nd the motion.  All approved. 


Vice President Michelle Marsden indicated that the neighborhood food drive will be in March before Spring Break.  December was successful that Sun School hasn’t needed food for the backpack program.   



Adjournment was announced at 7:37pm  


Present were:  

President Jessica Christiansen  

Vice President Michelle Marsden  

Treasurer Kathy Jennings  

Secretary Kara Murray  

Volunteer Lead Marci Forbes  

Membership Coordinator Debora Cox