Jackson Middle School PTA

General Meeting

May 17, 2017


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 6:36pm, Wednesday, May 17th, 2016 by President Debora Cox.  A quorum of members was present.



President Deb Cox initiated a vote on the minutes from the previous General Meeting in March (Earthquake Preparation presentation was in April, so no General Meeting in April).  They were passed unanimously.


Principal Kevin Crotchett gave update on staffing for 2017-2018.  Program for the most part will not change.  Still expecting approximately 650 students next year.  There is one LA/SS and one Math/Science opening for next year in 6th grade.  Jennifer Roser, Coats and Niemann are leaving.  .5 LA/SS & 1.5 Science vacancies in 8th grade and Craig Parrott is leaving.  Kevin is attending district wide assignment day on Friday.  For electives, there is a one year vacancy for Art, while Lisa Doslu is out for one year.  There is one Speech Pathologist vacancy. There will be 3 STEAM electives per year (3 per semester).  Kevin has applied for $4,000 grant for Little Bits (supplement to STEAM).


Treasurer Kelly Christopher reviewed the budget.  Funds still trickling in from RAT race.  Our income is currently at 77% of our budget.  We are currently $18,888 under our goal.  Kelly presented flyer to send out to student body community soliciting funds to fill the gap.  We still need 4 Chrome Book carts to meet our goal (this will cost about $40,000).  Unexpected expenses/upcoming expenses:  TA Thanks you, RAT race prizes.


Principal Kevin Crotchett requested funds for Audible account in amount of $150 to renew subscription for school.  Jessica motioned to take the funds from balance of Culture Day, Deb 2nd the motion.  All approved.


Vice President Jessica Christiansen motioned to dedicate $10,000 out of reserves for technology ($4,000 for STEAM, if grant does not come through, with balance to Chrome books).  Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes seconded the motion.  Passed unanimously.


Discussion was had around how to make Bernstein messaging more approachable for parents so that they understand the importance of donating to the program.  In the past there has been an ice cream social and self-directed tour of the school.  We will start that again next year.  Principal Kevin Crotchett and Vice Principal Greg Crabtree will do a presentation at Back to School Night (there was a scheduling snafu this year and their presentation was scrapped).


President Deb Cox thanked the board that came together this year.  Retiring officially:  Deb Cox as President, Kelly Christopherson as Treasurer, Robin Atkinson as Membership.


For 2017-2018 the following were installed:  Jessica Christiansen as President, Michelle Marsden as Vice President, Kathy Jennings as Treasurer, Deb Cox as Membership Lead and Marci Forbes as Volunteer Coordinator and Kara Murray as Secretary.  Michelle Marsden, Kathy Jennings and Kara Murray will have check writing authority with two signatures required at all amounts.



Adjourned 7:49pm



Present were:

President Deb Cox

Vice President Jessica Christiansen

Treasurer Kelly Christopherson

Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes

Secretary Kara Murray

Membership Lead Robin Atkinson



Date Presented:_______________________________

Approved as Written (or Amended):

